The above was the first fish I've caught on this trip. It's the first fish I've caught without a dad around to tell me what the heck to do with it once it's caught. Matt's really good at a lot of stuff, but he was no help with this. He hid below while I dealt with the practical matters of how to turn this fish into dinner. I just sort of made it up as I went and reminisced about high school biology dissections. It was a pretty ugly fish for my first catch, but it actually yielded some yummy bits of fillet. It was some species of rock fish.

This was my second fish caught. I dealt with this one with a bit more confidence than the first. It was also exactly what I was trying to catch - a nice flat fish. This one I jigged right from Wecantu at anchor, and it bit within five minutes after I dropped the lure down. This one was even tastier than the rock fish. I've never really had to go hunt down my own dinner so this has been an interesting process to learn.
I am hoping to catch a salmon soon. It hasn't been for lack of trying. Bottom fish are just easier. (PS Brian & Richard - thanks for the fish book!)
The first fish looks like a big tadpole.
I agree with the comment above. Glad to hear it tasted better than it looked! :)
I think I should apologize to you for your assumption that this thing would be good to eat. I would have hidden below with Matt, rather than to clean and cook that ugly thing! Love, Dad.
The first fish was probably a sculpin. If you were able to find edible pieces on a sculpin you are an expert forager! Wear gloves...schulpins can sting. The sole/flounder looks good. If they are around they are pretty easy to catch...just keep your baited hook a few inches off the bottom.
We're enjoying your blog.
-Richard and Brian
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