In a place called Rescue Bay where we anchored for two nights we were visited by several rufous hummingbirds. We have a lot of red things on our boat (mainly lines) and they kept coming by to check them out. I fed hummers year round at my old house and loved it. So seeing all these hummers inspired me to try to make a feeder. It took some variations, but I ended up using a little spice container with a red lid. A hole in the lid wasn't enough to entice, so I took some surgical tubing that happened to be on the boat and fashioned a flower out of it by cutting four slits and tying them back with some fishing line. This little gal in the photo figured it out and became a constant visitor for the day. It's the closest I've been to observing these birds - she was just feet away from our companionway.
Unfortunately we had to leave, and as we raised anchor the next morning it broke our hearts to see her flying around our boat. We rationalized that one day of feeding wasn't enough to make her dependant, but it was still tough to leave her wanting more! I figure she's a tough little thing though. I doubt I could fly the migration route she does to Mexico and back every year!
Wow, very clever! Maybe you can get more visitors if you put it up again next time you're in a harbor.
Wow, that's great! Very clever with the makeshift feeder. Nice job!
This is a great picture! We have a ton of them at our house right now and it's fun to see them fight each other for the feeder. Those suckers are fast!!!
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