Fast forward to just a few weeks ago. I was in a bookstore in Haines, AK and overheard a conversation about a book titled "The Strangest Story Ever Told". After she sold the last copy in stock to another customer, I chatted with the store clerk and found out a little about the tale, which took place in Thomas Bay. I later tracked down my own copy to buy. It is a historical narrative about the encounters several different miners had with 'devil creatures', and other mysterious happenings in the vicinity of Thomas Bay. As I mentioned in my previous post, we had anchored in Thomas Bay. Reading this book and remembering our evening spent there was a little like being a kid again listening to Leonard Nimoy telling of strange and disturbing events. Most enjoyable. You can read an excerpt here. Hallucinations caused by "loneliness and morbid thought", or something else? http://www.bigfootencounters.com/stories/harrycolp.htm