This particular seal is not a Southeast Alaskan, but was one who liked to haul out at our old marina in Sequim Bay in Washington. We called her Specs because of her distinct eye markings. (Now that I think about it, she looks like a sea mammal super hero...) If this was a Juneau seal, she'd be getting rained on. I hope Specs is enjoying some sunshine right now back in Sequim. We've seen seals in the marina here, but none seem to haul out like they did on the John Wayne marina docks.
I'm currently sitting in our office in Juneau listening to the rain and wind beat against the windows. When I left the boat this morning Wecantu was doing a bit of a jiggity dance along with her neighbors.
We've been enjoying exploring Juneau. We've taken a few hikes, and are always tickled that getting to a trail head doesn't involve hours of driving. We can often just walk to the start of a hike.
Bears are a common site, especially now as they are frantically cramming their bellies with food before they go hibernate. It's a state called hyperphagia, and I think it impairs a bear's judgement. A few have been seen foraging downtown, and early one morning Matt walked past a dumpster that had obviously been dived by a bear. Whenever we hike we are always on alert for them.
Matt and I have loosely established a routine. We do some laps together at the swimming pool in the morning, and then I join him later in the morning at the office. He works while I search job listings and write cover letters. I also work on other projects. We brought the sewing machine to the office so I've done a bit of canvas work for the boat. I also did a major organization of all our paper nautical charts, which temporarily satisfied the librarian in me.